Planned & Other Giving Options

Supporting Rahma Garden's ongoing mission is made simple and impactful through bequests. Additionally, there are other powerful giving strategies available that offer lifetime income, immediate income tax deductions, and the potential for a significant future gift to Rahma Garden.

Making a bequest is a straightforward process that can be facilitated by your personal attorney. To ensure proper incorporation in your legal documents, your advisor will require the following basic language:

General Bequest:

I give and bequeath to Rahma Garden, a not-for-profit organization in Pennsylvania, the sum of ____________ Dollars {or % of estate or all the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate} to be used for _________ purposes of Rahma Garden.

For Rahma Garden, please contact us at 516-444-7715 to request our tax ID number.

Our official address is

Office of Resource Development

Rahma Garden 13308 Buena Vista Rd, Waynesboro, PA 17268

Our staff is readily available to meet with you and explore various giving options that align with your interests and goals.

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